My interview in the Daily Mail on the possible complexity of future robot-human relationships.
Study indicates 34 percent rise in IoT app development
My interview in Internet of Business on a study which highlights a surge in IoT app development
What happens when the robots take over?
My interview in ShortList on the future roles for robotics in the future.
What Jobs Will Humans Have in the Future?
My interview in the Institute on likely jobs that humans will have in the future
Will mobile VR experiences fizzle or take off in China?
My interview in the Telegraph on future developments in the mobile VR market.
Language Readiness: Only 46% of language learners who received language training in school feel prepared to use it at work
My interview in Personnel Today where I discuss the future of training in technology where pupils can be engaged in an age appropriate manner
Our Future with Drones
My interview in The Droneologist on likely drone technology scenarios in the future.
High Street Stores closing as a result of rise in Internet Retail
My interview on LBC Radio Morning News on the closure of high street stores due in part to rise in online shopping.
Seagate ‘feels effect of changing consumer trends’
My interview on ITV News on the reasons leading to job losses at the local Seagate facility.
Will mobile VR experiences fizzle or take off in China?
My interview in on future developments in the VR/mobile marketplace.