I am Quoted in IEEE PR about mHealth supporting the improvement of patient care through the advancement of medical technology.
ACAI-09 Best Poster Prize
EPSRC summary which mentions our first prize in the ACAI 2009 poster competition for poster titled: “Enhanced Indoor Tracking using Bayesian Filters and Past Movement Patterns”.
The Mobile Health Revolution
My interview in International Life on mobile health in general and a diabetes project in the Ambient Intelligence Group.
ERIC 2010: Academics and researchers, the R&D talents
Clinica Medtech mentions my work from the Intel ERIC 2010 conference in Leixlip.
Innovation at Work
U2B article on our multi-disciplinary WHSCT Innovative Idea of the Year 2010
Q102 – Future of Technology
Q102 FM on future technology trends as part of the ISRC Discovery Day.
Ulster Innovators on Course for Victory at 25K Awards
UU piece on our submission (SOFI) to the 25K awards. Our team entry is focussed on improving Audio Listening Experience on Radio Networks cards and other digital media.