My interview on BBC TV news to comment on company phone systems which can be hacked.
Understanding the Internet Book Review
A book review Ross MacDonald, Qatar on my book “Understanding the Internet: A Glimpse into the Building Blocks, Applications, Security and Hidden Secrets of the Web”, published Chandos Publishing, Oxford, 2009, ISBN 9781843344995. Review DOI 10.1108/07378831011096376.
Using SMART Technology to Think Outside the Label
My interview in Sync NI about collaborating with Nuprint to introduce innovative tracking technologies into the company’s production processes.
UTV “”Live Tonight” on Facebook privacy concerns and problems faced when posting comments on social media sites
My interview on UTV “”Live Tonight” about Facebook privacy concerns and problems faced when posting comments on social media sites
BBC Ulster Talk Back – DUP Site hacked
My interview on Radio Ulster on a hacker who translated DUP websites into Irish.
Imagineering Derry’s digital future
My interview in City of Culture Mag on our SOFI and Secure Digital Watermarking projects.
Distinguished Academic Enterprise Award
Ulster Uni piece on my 2010 University of Ulster fellowship for outstanding accomplishment in interactions with, and support of, business, the community and social enterprise activities
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
My interview on BBC Radio Foyle Mark Patterson Show on the DDoS attacks on paypal after it stopped supporting wikileak donations.
IEEE: On a Mission to Make Healthcare Personal, Again
I am Quoted in IEEE PR about mHealth supporting the improvement of patient care through the advancement of medical technology.