My Inquirer interview on driverless vehicles as the UK’S first driverless “pod” vehicle trials hit Milton Keynes
Intelligent machines: Call for a ban on robots designed as sex toys
My interview in BBC Technology news on the ethical implications of robot companions in the future.
Could device-to-device be the next big thing?
My interview in Techradar about LTE Direct and its implications for device to device communication.
Robots in the workplace will increase and may one day raise human-android families
My interview in IT Channel Expert on robots in the workplace and what the future holds for humanoids.
U2 to play homecoming gigs in Belfast and Dublin
My interview on BBC Good Morning Ulster where I defend U2 and Bono in the wake of concerts announcement.
Derry man gets four-year sentence for internet piracy
My interview on BBC Newsline on a local who was jailed for running an Internet piracy site which hosted pirated movie content from his bedroom.
Ethiopia: The Internet of Things
My interview in AllAfrica on the IoT campaigning to run nearly every aspect of people’s digital lives.
Injected electronics: The next wave of wearable tech?
My interview in Techradar on implants being used to monitor activities and extend the current approach of wearables in health and wellbeing.
Apple iOS versus Google Android
My interview in the Inquirer – Guest speaker on the debate as to which mobile platform is the best.