My interview on BBC Radio Foyle about a report where sixty-five per cent of chief information officers said that the desk telephone is likely to become redundant as the dominance of smartphones grows.
Fake Facebook voucher offer scam
My interview on BBC TV News on a Facebook scam linked to Tesco vouchers. It also was reported in Daily Mirror and other papers.
Stoking the Flames of Cyber War
My interview on Information Security Magazine on the Flame malware that was removing sensitive data from computers in the Middle East.
How Cloud can provide security from a BYOD policy
My interview in IT Pro on combining cloud policies to ensure greater security with the known difficulties of users bringing their own devices into the workplace.
UU know-how helping in air data automation
My interview in the Belfast Telegraph on my collaboration with Skypaq on streamlined maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) record software.
Reporting Data Breaches
My interview in Computer Fraud & Security on the problems and pitfalls in reporting data breaches.
4th Generation Networks
My Interview on BBC Radio about the forth coming rollout of 4G mobile ultra-broadband networks in the UK.
Steganography Spinout Company
My interview on BBC Radio about our digital watermarking spinout company which builds on our steganography techniques.
MI5 Chief warns of cybercrime threats: expert reaction
My interview in CBR Online about MI5 director general who said that the organisation is fighting an “astonishing” level of cyber-attacks against the UK industry.