My piece for RTE Brainstorm on whether there is justification for health concerns about mobile phone usage and new 5G networks.
30 year anniversary of the World Wide Web
My interview on BBC Radio Foyle about the 30 year anniversary of the World Wide Web.
The Data Breach Era
My interview with CyberRadio on how to mitigate the risks of being affected by a data breach.
7 Steps to Keep Safe with Cybercrime and Data Breaches on the Up
My interview with Bisinfotech on simple methods to remain safer online.
French President Emmanuel Macron Back With Calls For EU ‘Renaissance’ Ahead Of May Vote
My interview with UrduPoint News on the issue of cyberattacks becoming widely used in politics recently. This is in the wake of French President Emmanuel Macron renewing his calls for EU unity in defiance of what the experts called a “Brexit-Trumpian discourse” of the EU project’s failure.
Huawei accuses US agents of hacking into its servers as it launches lawsuit against federal ban on gear
My interview with the South China Morning Post on Huawei Technologies slapping the US government with a lawsuit in a bid to overturn a federal ban on its gear. It also accused the US of previously hacking into its servers though it provided no fresh evidence to support the charge.
The Dictator’s Guide to Internet Surveillance and Censorship
My interview with Privacy Central on how using the internet to control what information is made available to the masses and monitor what they might be saying is all too easy if you are a dictator with deep pockets and a dystopian determination.
MOMO Challenge is a viral hoax
My interview on BBC Radio Ulster about the fact checkers saying that the viral ‘MOMO challenge’ is a hoax. The original tale said a character with bulging eyes would “hack” into WhatsApp and set children dangerous “challenges” such as harming themselves.
US Cyber Command attacked Russian troll farm on Election Day 2018
My interview with RT News on the United States Cyber Command launching an offensive campaign to silence one of Russia’s most notorious troll operations on the day of the 2018 midterm elections.
Parents warned over ‘Momo challenge’ which allegedly encourages children to self-harm
My interview on Highland Radio about the WhatsApp Momo challenge which features an avatar of a woman with dark hair, pale skin and oversized eyes, who sends young people images and instructions on how to harm themselves and others.