My interview in Modern Wellness on “How Machine Learning is Helping Us Strengthen Home Security”.
Radio Sputnik – UK data bill to bring more protection and bigger fines
My interview on Radio Sputnik about the new data protection bill will hand individuals vastly increased powers over the way their personal data are collected and processed, with big fines for organisations that fail to comply. The bill will bring into UK law the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, the most sweeping overhaul of regulations governing personal data for more than two decades.
O2 Admits slowing down customers’ Internet speeds dramatically when roaming
My interview on BBC Radio Foyle about O2’s temporary measures in place to protect the service experience for roaming customers.
Electricity shake-up could save consumers ‘up to £40bn’
My interview on BBC Radio Foyle on implications of new rules making it easier for people to generate their own power with solar panels.
Quantum Computing Could Make Today’s Encryption Obsolete
My interview in Data Center Knowledge on a post quantum encryption world.
BBC Radio Breakfast Show – Net Neutrality “Day of Action”
My interview on BBC Radio Breakfast Show about Net Neutrality “Day of Action”.
The interview is also on YouTube.
BBC Radio Foyle Tech Corner July 2017 – Snapchat, Robots & Venom, Donal Trump Violent Tweets & SwonSong
My interview on BBC Radio Foyle’s Mark Patterson Show about Snapchat’s new Snap Map feature, leaving messages from beyond the grave, Donald Trump’s Violent Tweets and Robots extracting venom from Scorpions.
In aftermath of Petya, congressman asks NSA to stop the attack if it knows how
My interview in TechCrunch on some key differences in the Petya malware and the WannaCry ransomware.
BBC Radio Foyle Breakfast News – 10 year anniversary of the iPhone.
My interview on BBC Radio Foyle Breakfast News about the 10 year anniversary of the iPhone.
Highland Radio – Apple iPhone 10 year anniversary
My interview on Highland Radio about the launch of the iPhone 10 years ago and general chit chat on modern smartphones.