My interview with IJIWEI Talk on Huawei’s court case against the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority appealing the ban of their 5G equipment.
Should companies spy on their employees?
My interview on the IT Pro Podcast about the line between security and surveillance of employees.
Protecting your business data with Vaultree
My interview on SME Business Podcast about the special properties of Enhanced Searchable Symmetric Encryption.
What we can do to improve our mobile phone signal
My interview with BBC Radio WM (Birmingham) on some measures we can take to improve our mobile phone signal reception.
Facebook v Apple: The ad tracking row heats up
My interview on BBC Radio Ulster about Apple dealing a blow to technology rival Facebook with a new privacy feature that will block companies from tracking iPhone users around the Internet.
Disputes over 5G network are brought to court
Newsbeezer mentioning my participation in the Swedish PTS trial over Huawei & ZTE products from China being banned from Sweden’s 5G network.
Is There VR for Senses Other Than Sight?
My interview with Gizmodo on whether you can have Virtual Reality for various senses other than vision.
Encrypted Data in the Cloud
My interview with Info Security Magazine about the importance that searchable encryption will play in the future.
Delivering an effective cyber security strategy within healthcare
My interview with Information Age on the delivery of an effective cyber security strategy within healthcare.
My interview with Unleash on the importance of using Anomalous AI-based detection systems to search for outliers in connections.