UU Press Release on ‘UU seeking to develop networks that think for themselves’
It also appeared in the Community Telegraph – North Belfast on the 24th January 2006 as “UU Team to take part in EU Project”, and the Derry Journal on the 13th of January as “UU in Blue Skies research project”, in the Foyle News on the 11th of January 2006 as “UU in Blue Skies research project”, on the American Association for Artificial Intelligence in January 2006, on the ACM News Service as UU Seeking to Develop Networks That Think for Themselves (13/01/06) and repeated here, and the News Letter on the 10th of January as “EU Funding for computers that can think”. An update on the project appeared in the UU Inside Magazine entitled ‘Thinking’ computers for your home in July 2007.